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MetaVerso Gallery

Virtual exhibition in streaming from the Metaverse

international art project by Make Art Gallery

Mostre Virtuali | Make Art Gallery

premise: Metaverse exhibitions take place through a live YouTube stream in an art gallery conceived within the virtual world of Second Life. Once

Scheduled events:

Virtual Exhibition in the Metaverse 2024
YouTube Stream Exhibition - AbstrArt vol.3
Virtual streaming exhibition from the Second Life metaverse.

Exhibition dedicated to the artists of the international art catalog AbstrArt Vol. 2. The live stream, approximately 1 hour in duration, will be conducted through an avatar navigating the gallery, showcasing artworks and their details, alternating the content with pages from the catalog.

Virtual Vernissage in our YouTube channel:
18 maggio 2024 at 3:00 pm (italian time)

mostre nel metaverso 2024
Did you miss the YouTube live stream?
You can always visit the exhibition in the Metaverse/Virtual World of Second Life.
The exhibition will be active for about 2 months.

You can currently only access it from a PC by downloading the free Second Life Viewer software and following our step-by-step guide on how to register a free account and enter the gallery.

Below you'll find our brief guide to Second Life for those who don't just want to watch live streams on YouTube, but wish to explore our gallery with an avatar..

How to Participate in Virtual Streaming Activities:

If you are an artist—a painter, drawer, illustrator, digital artist, or sculptor—you can exhibit in virtual shows within the metaverse/virtual world of Second Life by participating in the various art competitions organized by Make Art Gallery Artists selected for the digital art e-book volumes (such as "AbstrArt") participate directly and free of charge in these events, which are not only set up permanently until the next volume is released but are also streamed live on YouTube to make them accessible to everyone.

mostre virtuali online, profilo instagram di make art gallery
mostre virtuali online, pagina facebook di make art gallery
mostre virtuali online, pagina facebook di make art gallery
All images are protected by copyright © /.it - Please do not reproduce any text or images without the explicit consent of the author.
Artistic Project by - Rome / Italy - Art Director Stefano Fiore

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